How it all started...
God has blessed us and is continuing to keep His arms around us. As we remember the sacrifices of the past, let us not lose sight of God's vision for the present and the future.
Life was very difficult for most African Americans in the 1900s. In the year 1900 most blacks, including those in Georgia were illiterate, having been prohibited from learning to read or write. The rights of marriage, voting, at least for black men, property ownership, and other rights of citizenship were being bestowed upon them in incremental steps. This was the historical state of affairs, when Mount Welcome was born.
Still, a small group of believers who had a strong faith in Christ decided to unite and organize a place to spread the Christian message. Reverend Ed Harris led the way and he and others stepped out on their faith. As a result of their efforts, Mount Welcome Missionary Baptist Church was established.
Teaching and learning God's word was of the utmost importance, so the Sunday School was one of the first ministries formed. This was under the leadership and pasturage of the late Rev. Moses Biggs. In later years, Rev. Johnson assumed the leadership of the Church for a few months, and during this time period, the church moved to Cain & Butler (this is the downtown Grady Hospital area). After Rev. Johnson's resignation, Rev. Moses Biggs was recalled as pastor, remaining until 1927.
In 1927, Rev. A.D. Jackson was called as pastor and the church relocated to Ripley and Currier Street. The Mothers' Board (then also the Mission) was organized. Later, the church moved to Bedford Place and at that point the church's name was changed to Carter Hill Baptist Church. After the death of Rev. Jackson in 1939, the church voted to change its name back to Mount Welcome Missionary Baptist Church.
Unfortunately, due to friction and misunderstandings, a split occurred in the membership, in 1939; and, a segment of the church seceded from the main body and called Rev. A.C. Copeland as their pastor. This group retained the name Mount Welcome Missionary Baptist Church. For three years, Mr. W.R. Cox gave the new church $1,080.00 in the form of free rental of a building. This grant played an important role in the financial progress of the church.
Rev. A. C. Copeland held the church together and the church grew. The death of Rev. Copeland in 1949 brought grief to the members of Mt. Welcome Missionary Baptist Church; and, once again, the church was in search of a new shepherd to lead their flock. In 1949, Rev. L.R. Stewart was called as pastor of Mount Welcome Missionary Baptist Church. Under his leadership, the church prospered and was able to move into an edifice valued at $10,000.00. This move from 400 Buchanan Street to 771 Coleman Street was a major achievement for this small body of Christ. During this period of growth, Choir #1 and the L.R. Stewart Gospel Chorus were formed. Mount Welcome also licensed and ordained five sons during this time: Rev. J.H. Milner; Rev. Fred C. Bennett; Rev. Jimmy Robinson; Rev. Jesse Moore; and Rev. John H. Dozier.
In 1964, after the retirement of Pastor Stewart, the church hired Rev. Fred. C. Bennett to serve as its interim pastor. In May of 1965, God sent a new visionary leader to pastor Mount Welcome—Reverend Charles W. Grant.
Rev. Grant was interested in the entire community and every aspect of religious life. He was the eighth pastor to serve Mt. Welcome and he was its longest serving pastor. Rev. Grant served as the Senior Pastor of Mount Welcome Baptist Church for 46 years (1965 to 2011). Under his leadership, much hard work was completed, from acquiring property to beautifying the church, to expanding the role of the church in the community. Under Rev. Grant and with the help of his wife, Mrs. Patsy Grant, Mt. Welcome prospered numerically, spiritually, and financially. We are grateful for those who paved the way, answering God's call to begin a new church in 1900. Much of Mt. Welcome's progress to date is due to the tenure of Reverend Charles Grant and Mrs. Patsy Grant. Mt. Welcome will be eternally grateful for the leadership they provided.
In 2012, after the retirement of Rev. Grant in 2011, God blessed Mt. Welcome yet again, when Reverend Darryl Roberts, J.D., became its pastor. Rev. Roberts, a young visionary, highly trained and theologically gifted. He and his wife, Dr. Laura Morgan Roberts are an outstanding team in Christ. Over the course of Pastor Roberts' five years, Mount Welcome experienced remarkable numerical, financial and spiritual growth.
A few of the things that happened with Rev. Roberts' tenure included the expansion of 7:45 service to every Sunday, starting HOPE mid-week Bible Study, launching Children's Church for every Sunday, expanding the Youth Ministry Department, supporting women in the ministry, launching a Women's Ministry, creating a Communications & Media & Technology Ministry, and expanding outreach programs in the Decatur and surrounding community. Under Pastor Roberts leadership, the church approved the purchase of another van and the expansion of the Patsy Grant Activities Building as part of the Nehemiah Campaign.
In December 2016, Rev. Roberts and his family were called to lead another flock and one of Mount Welcome's sons took over the rein as interim pastor in the person of Rev. Aaron Robinson, M. Div. Mount Welcome did not miss a beat as Rev. Robinson came into the fold and continued the work of those before him. In September 2017, Rev. Robinson was voted in as Mount Welcome's Senior Pastor.
Pastor Robinson is building upon the history and legacy of the church, continuing our journey of faith, and take Mount Welcome into a new era of growth, Christian witnessing, and expansion of the Kingdom of God.
As Mount Welcome looks ahead to serving the needs of the ever-changing and growing Decatur, DeKalb County, our heritage gives us reason to remain hopeful. "To whom much has been given much will be required," and God's faithfulness and grace to us in the past, obligates us to remain faithful servants until our Savior shall return.
Life was very difficult for most African Americans in the 1900s. In the year 1900 most blacks, including those in Georgia were illiterate, having been prohibited from learning to read or write. The rights of marriage, voting, at least for black men, property ownership, and other rights of citizenship were being bestowed upon them in incremental steps. This was the historical state of affairs, when Mount Welcome was born.
Still, a small group of believers who had a strong faith in Christ decided to unite and organize a place to spread the Christian message. Reverend Ed Harris led the way and he and others stepped out on their faith. As a result of their efforts, Mount Welcome Missionary Baptist Church was established.
Teaching and learning God's word was of the utmost importance, so the Sunday School was one of the first ministries formed. This was under the leadership and pasturage of the late Rev. Moses Biggs. In later years, Rev. Johnson assumed the leadership of the Church for a few months, and during this time period, the church moved to Cain & Butler (this is the downtown Grady Hospital area). After Rev. Johnson's resignation, Rev. Moses Biggs was recalled as pastor, remaining until 1927.
In 1927, Rev. A.D. Jackson was called as pastor and the church relocated to Ripley and Currier Street. The Mothers' Board (then also the Mission) was organized. Later, the church moved to Bedford Place and at that point the church's name was changed to Carter Hill Baptist Church. After the death of Rev. Jackson in 1939, the church voted to change its name back to Mount Welcome Missionary Baptist Church.
Unfortunately, due to friction and misunderstandings, a split occurred in the membership, in 1939; and, a segment of the church seceded from the main body and called Rev. A.C. Copeland as their pastor. This group retained the name Mount Welcome Missionary Baptist Church. For three years, Mr. W.R. Cox gave the new church $1,080.00 in the form of free rental of a building. This grant played an important role in the financial progress of the church.
Rev. A. C. Copeland held the church together and the church grew. The death of Rev. Copeland in 1949 brought grief to the members of Mt. Welcome Missionary Baptist Church; and, once again, the church was in search of a new shepherd to lead their flock. In 1949, Rev. L.R. Stewart was called as pastor of Mount Welcome Missionary Baptist Church. Under his leadership, the church prospered and was able to move into an edifice valued at $10,000.00. This move from 400 Buchanan Street to 771 Coleman Street was a major achievement for this small body of Christ. During this period of growth, Choir #1 and the L.R. Stewart Gospel Chorus were formed. Mount Welcome also licensed and ordained five sons during this time: Rev. J.H. Milner; Rev. Fred C. Bennett; Rev. Jimmy Robinson; Rev. Jesse Moore; and Rev. John H. Dozier.
In 1964, after the retirement of Pastor Stewart, the church hired Rev. Fred. C. Bennett to serve as its interim pastor. In May of 1965, God sent a new visionary leader to pastor Mount Welcome—Reverend Charles W. Grant.
Rev. Grant was interested in the entire community and every aspect of religious life. He was the eighth pastor to serve Mt. Welcome and he was its longest serving pastor. Rev. Grant served as the Senior Pastor of Mount Welcome Baptist Church for 46 years (1965 to 2011). Under his leadership, much hard work was completed, from acquiring property to beautifying the church, to expanding the role of the church in the community. Under Rev. Grant and with the help of his wife, Mrs. Patsy Grant, Mt. Welcome prospered numerically, spiritually, and financially. We are grateful for those who paved the way, answering God's call to begin a new church in 1900. Much of Mt. Welcome's progress to date is due to the tenure of Reverend Charles Grant and Mrs. Patsy Grant. Mt. Welcome will be eternally grateful for the leadership they provided.
In 2012, after the retirement of Rev. Grant in 2011, God blessed Mt. Welcome yet again, when Reverend Darryl Roberts, J.D., became its pastor. Rev. Roberts, a young visionary, highly trained and theologically gifted. He and his wife, Dr. Laura Morgan Roberts are an outstanding team in Christ. Over the course of Pastor Roberts' five years, Mount Welcome experienced remarkable numerical, financial and spiritual growth.
A few of the things that happened with Rev. Roberts' tenure included the expansion of 7:45 service to every Sunday, starting HOPE mid-week Bible Study, launching Children's Church for every Sunday, expanding the Youth Ministry Department, supporting women in the ministry, launching a Women's Ministry, creating a Communications & Media & Technology Ministry, and expanding outreach programs in the Decatur and surrounding community. Under Pastor Roberts leadership, the church approved the purchase of another van and the expansion of the Patsy Grant Activities Building as part of the Nehemiah Campaign.
In December 2016, Rev. Roberts and his family were called to lead another flock and one of Mount Welcome's sons took over the rein as interim pastor in the person of Rev. Aaron Robinson, M. Div. Mount Welcome did not miss a beat as Rev. Robinson came into the fold and continued the work of those before him. In September 2017, Rev. Robinson was voted in as Mount Welcome's Senior Pastor.
Pastor Robinson is building upon the history and legacy of the church, continuing our journey of faith, and take Mount Welcome into a new era of growth, Christian witnessing, and expansion of the Kingdom of God.
As Mount Welcome looks ahead to serving the needs of the ever-changing and growing Decatur, DeKalb County, our heritage gives us reason to remain hopeful. "To whom much has been given much will be required," and God's faithfulness and grace to us in the past, obligates us to remain faithful servants until our Savior shall return.