Look At God
March 15th, 2022
Maybe you’ve been praying about a circumstance or situation for a long time, and it just doesn’t seem like things are going to change. The resulting disgrace has become unbearable, and you feel powerl...  Read More
Come See
March 14th, 2022
Now, what if God received that same passion? Psalm 66 starts with the word "Shout," which encourages us to be passionate about God. However, another important takeaway is to tell others to "Come See.'...  Read More
In God's Presence
March 12th, 2022
The 23rd Psalm says his goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and we should dwell in the house of the Lord always. ...  Read More
A Love To Be Thankful For
March 11th, 2022
God’s love requires only that we show up - just as we are, flaws and all. God’s love shows itself to each of us differently, each of us experiences it in the ways we need it to look/feel at different ...  Read More
Thank You
March 10th, 2022
When we are thankful, it changes our outlook and our openness. Thankfulness is an act of humility and appreciation. When we realize a need for assistance, and we are open to receive it we are humbled...  Read More
But Thanks Be To God
March 9th, 2022
Thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. We should be thankful to God for He is good because His mercy endures forever. Whatever we do in word or deed we should alway...  Read More
Thankful Anyhow
March 8th, 2022
Verse 16: = Rejoice Always (Be joyful always). - God never promised us things would be easy or that we would never have disappointments in life. - No matter the circumstance. Rejoice. Philippians 4:4...  Read More
Making Our Ancestors Proud
March 8th, 2022
Making Our Ancestors ProudPastor Aaron RobinsonDuring the month of February, we were reminded of the numerous accomplishments of those who came before us.  They had so little but achieved so much, eve...  Read More
Don't Worry, Be Thankful
March 7th, 2022
That means there is nothing too small to bring to God. Someone asked, is it alright to bring small things before the Lord? Is he concerned about the small things in our lives? The answer is: is there ...  Read More
How Many Times
March 5th, 2022
We forgive because we have been forgiven much. God has forgiven us and demands we forgive one another. By forgiving we understand more fully the cost of our forgiveness and the need to stop erecting b...  Read More
Let It Go
March 4th, 2022
We must forget corrupt words that take up space in our hearts which Christ wants to fill with his presence, these words will not make it into the kingdom of heaven. So maybe we should just put them aw...  Read More
I Forgive
March 3rd, 2022
This is true forgiveness. Not only do you have to ask the person whom you have been bitter towards, but you have to ask God to forgive you also....  Read More