Able Faith

Able Faith
Hebrews 11:4
Pastor Aaron Robinson

Do you have an able kind of faith? A faith that enables you to move through the storms of life? A faith that keeps you anchored in the Lord? A faith that causes you to trust God’s replenishing power?

This text takes us way back to the book of Genesis and the story of Cain and Abel.  We are reminded of Abel’s trusting God and giving a more acceptable sacrifice to God. We are reminded that Abel received approval from God because of his sacrifice.  Abel gave the best that he could to God, not what was left over.
Many of us are like Cain, we give God what is left over, not the first fruit of our harvest. We give God what we really don't want not what God deserves. We move in a spirit of lack rather than in the spirit of abundance. No one can say why Cain didn't give God his best, all we know is that it wasn't pleasing to God.

When we give God our best, we are trusting that God is able to supply all our needs.  We are believing that God is worthy of the best that we have to offer. Our best comes with the belief that God is able to replenish what we give to God. We are saying ‘God has kept me all these years so I'm sure that God will keep me in the years to come’.

We realize our eyes have not seen and ears have not heard all that God will do for us.  We are saying because God is able, I am able to do exceedingly abundantly above the world's expectations. As we move through this Lenten season let us reflect on how God is able. Remember what God has done. And trust what God is going to do.

Gracious and merciful God, thank you for all you've done thank you for all that you are doing and thank you for all that you will do. God, I trust you because I know that you are able to the plow money needs. God, I follow you because I know that you will always lead me toward my purpose. Thank you for being a God that enables me to be what you need me to be.
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