Stirring The Pot

Stirring The Pot
Pastor Aaron Robinson
John 6

Building on our foundation of grace and mercy, we must continually 'stir the pot' to keep our faith active and vibrant. Just as a pot of gumbo needs constant stirring to blend the flavors, our spiritual lives require ongoing effort and attention. 'You got to continually stir the roux. Wait and stir, stir and wait. You got to stir and stir and stir, not to burn the roux. And the heat must be on low.' This means being patient and persistent in our spiritual practices.

Question: What are some ways you can 'stir the pot' in your spiritual life to keep it active and vibrant?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, give us the strength and patience to continually stir our spiritual lives. Help us to remain diligent in our faith practices, so that we may grow closer to you each day. Amen.
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