Don't Worry About A Thing

Don’t Worry About A Thing || Matthew 6:34 || Sis. Carolyn J. Satcher
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Why do we worry about things we have no control over? Yes, we thank God for our lives, health, and strength, but life and death is in the hands of God. We all should take one day at a time. There’s a song that says, “One day at a time, sweet Jesus that's all I'm asking of you, give me the strength to do every day what I have to do, yesterday's gone, sweet Jesus and tomorrow may never be mine, so for my sake, teach me to take one day at a time.

No matter how much you think about tomorrow it is not promised to us. We need to take one day at a time. Tomorrow could bring about all kinds of circumstances in our lives that we have no control over. For example, being diagnosed with cancer, being hit by a car, or having a car accident in which we lose our life unexpectedly, losing our job with no prior notice, losing our home, being murdered, or even losing a loved one unexpectedly. Worry has many other detrimental physical effects, including dizziness, breathing difficulties, panic attacks, and increase in blood pressure.

If we knew what tomorrow would bring it could cause a lot of unnecessary worry on our part. Jesus says that each day has enough trouble of its own and worrying about the future robs us of the present. Only God holds tomorrow in his hands. In the wilderness Jehovah God taught the children of Israel this same principle of not worrying about tomorrow. He gave them manna to sustain their lives for the day. When they worried about manna for the next day that manna would rot. We need to stop worrying about everything, instead we should pray.

“Do not worry about tomorrow,” is a reminder again for us to live in the moment and put our trust in God for every circumstance and situation. No difficulty is greater than our great God. Worrying about tomorrow is looking at our future as if God will not be there to take care of us. Jesus teaches us to live in God’s presence one day at a time and deal with each problem when it comes—through prayer.

Our heavenly Father will be with us tomorrow to care for us. The only time we truly possess is the present. Instead of dwelling on how we will manage tomorrow, we should adopt a “one day at a time” approach. Excessive worry about the future reveals a lack of trust in God who holds tomorrow in His hands. So please allow yourself to depend on God daily instead of worrying about tomorrow or things you cannot control.
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