Resting Like God

Resting Like God || Hebrews 4:9-10 || Pastor Aaron Robinson
“So then, a sabbath rest still remains for the people of God; for those who enter God’s rest also cease from their labors as God did from His.” (Hebrews 4:9-10, NRSV)

As we walk through this Lenten season, the call to rest may seem contrary to the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. We often equate productivity with success, and the demands of work, family, and responsibilities can make rest seem like a luxury we cannot afford. Yet in Hebrews 4:9-10, we are reminded that God Himself rested after His work of creation. And this rest, this peace, is available to us — not just as a gift but as a necessity for our well-being.

Resting Like God
God’s rest on the seventh day wasn’t because God was tired — God is omnipotent, full of strength. Rather, God rested to model for us the importance of ceasing from our work and trusting that God’s work is complete. In our own lives, we are invited to follow this pattern of rest, not as a mere physical break but as a spiritual act of trust and surrender. By resting, we acknowledge that God is the one who holds everything together, and that our efforts, though important, are never the source of our true peace or purpose.

Resting in God means recognizing that we don’t need to constantly strive. It’s a release of control, an invitation to stop and be still in God’s presence. It’s letting go of the belief that we must work endlessly to prove ourselves or earn our value. Just as God rested, we are called to rest — not just physically, but in our hearts, trusting that the work God has done in us and through us is sufficient.

Praying for the Courage to Rest
Resting in God is not always easy.  Resting like God requires courage. It takes courage to set aside our to-do lists, our worries, and our fears, and to trust that God is in control. It takes courage to believe that we don't have to do it all on our own, that we can lean on God for strength and guidance. In a world that prizes achievement and constant movement, taking a step back can feel like a risk. But it’s in our times of rest and stillness that we encounter God in deeper ways. Through prayer, we find the courage to rest, to let go of the pressures that weigh us down, and to trust that God is at work even when we are not.

This Lenten season, we are invited to come to God in prayer and ask for the courage to rest in God’s presence. The act of prayer itself is an act of resting — an acknowledgment that we need God, that we rely on God for strength, guidance, and peace. Prayer is a vital part of this restful journey. Through prayer, we can surrender our burdens to God and invite God into our lives. We can ask for the courage to rest, to trust, and to let go. In prayer, we stop striving and come into the presence of the One who has already accomplished the work of salvation for us. We can rest, knowing that He has done what we could not do for ourselves.

Entering God’s Rest
As we meditate on Hebrews 4:9-10, let us remember that God’s rest is not a passive rest, but an active surrender to God’s perfect work. As we journey through Lent, let us make a conscious effort to rest in God and with God. Let us take time to pray, to be still, and to seek God’s presence. May we find the courage to enter into God’s rest, knowing that God is with us, and that God’s rest brings renewal and restoration.

It’s about entering into a deeper relationship with God, one where we learn to cease from our striving, rest in God’s promises, and trust in God’s provision. When we choose to rest in God, we open ourselves to experience God’s peace, God’s renewal, and God’s strength.

As you continue through this Lenten journey, consider what it means to rest in God. Are you able to take time each day to cease from your labors and be still in God’s presence? In what areas of your life do you need to pray for the courage to trust God more deeply, letting go of the need to constantly prove yourself? Take a moment to reflect on how resting in God can be an act of faith and surrender this Lenten season.

A Prayer for Courage to Rest
Gracious God, as we enter the second this Lenten season, we come to You with open hearts. We confess that we often struggle to rest, fearing that we must constantly be active to be useful or worthy. Grant us the courage to lay down our burdens and rest in Your presence. Help us to trust that Your work is enough, and that we can cease from striving and simply be with You. May this season of rest lead us to a deeper understanding of Your love and grace. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
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